Jalan Rahmat Digilib

Jalan Rahmat Digilib thumbnail image

Initiated on 16 November 2022

  • [React]
  • [Vite]
  • [PostCSS]

Fully remade in React, this webiste delivers the same functionality as the mobile app. In this website, the admin is able to add items into the database and do some updates for several assets.

I chose the design to be similar with the mobile app as to minize confusion both for developers and users. The libraries I used for this project are Axios, PostCSS Nesting, React Redux, React Player, Draft.js, and a couple of React components.

The website also connects to the same back-end API as the mobile app.

Home page
Home page
Item view
Item view
Item view for smaller devices, similar to mobile app design
Item view for smaller devices, similar to mobile app design

This website includes a text editor to write articles, powered by Draft.js

Text editor for admin
Text editor for admin